It’s been a busy few weeks for ARES. We’ve had our usual ARES training nets, some SKYWARN activations and our Face to Face training. At last week’s F2F training Rusty Haddock AE5AE shared his understanding of basic packet radio. Seems not many folks use that specific mode any more, but the mode is the basis to enable digital modes we use such as Winlink and Echolink. I think this area of Amateur Radio will continue to see an evolution as so many ops have computer backgrounds and see ways to incorporate digital tools and radios. He did a great job telling us how it works and how to begin to set up a station. We have had similar topics shared before and I saw for many of those in attendance the light bulb had come on.
I was thinking of a couple other organizations I am involved with the other day and how they have the rest of the year already planned out. It’s satisfying to look at them and realize the monthly programs are in place, the events are scheduled, equipment and venues set. I realized ARES is also planned out. Your AEC team has done a great job of reviewing past years and adapting old ideas with new faces to put new training in place. But in the end it is just a plan and it’s not in stone, so we can adapt it to changing needs or new ideas.
Several things are on my mind as this monthly opportunity comes along. I’ll share a few to get you included in the Twilight Zone of one ham’s mind. “Lots” of stuff is happening here and there around us.