CoCoRaHS Hail Reports . . . What are they, how can I access them?


Thanks so much for your CoCoRaHS hail reports. You may not realize it, but there are very few sources for accurate data about hail. Most weather stations don’t even measure or report hail. Scientists have great difficulty finding good data to help analyze hail storm patterns, frequencies, probabilities, etc. Therefore, our CoCoRaHS hail reports are especially important.

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Sparks, Crackles, and Other Random Thoughts – May 2012

Dare I say it, we are half way thru the spring storm season and no major events in the past few weeks. So, I’m looking forward to summer and all that goes on in Ham Radio. You know, the fun stuff, HamCom down in Plano, Field Day, Local Special event stations, and local hamfests. Good propagation or at least that’s what summer’s supposed to be about. So, get the dust off the HF rig and get on the air, learn a new mode, study for that next VE test session and take a stab at upgrading.

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CoCoRaHS Hail Week — May 14-19, 2012

From the CoCoRaHS website:

Join us in creating ‘Hail Awareness’ during our annual “CoCoRaHS Hail Week”. Most of us see hail in our backyards from time to time and many of us will even experience a hailstorm this month. Learn more about hail, including how to observe and report it, as we explore this icy phenomena all week long.

Tuesday: “Five things you always wanted to know about hail, but were afraid to ask” We will feature some interesting facts about those falling balls of ice.
Wednesday: “CoCoRaHS Hail Reports . . . What are they, how can I access them?” How you can help report hail.
Thursday: “CoCoRaHS Hail Pads” How to make a hail pad . . . it’s fun and easy to do.
Friday: “CoCoRaHS Hail Photo Day” Have a great/unique photo of hail? E-mail it to us today!
Saturday: “CoCoRaHS National ‘Put out your Hail Pad’ Day” Have a hail pad? . . . join thousands around the country who will put out their hail pads today. It’s that time of year!

To find out more about hail, visit the CoCoRaHS Hail Page by clicking here: Hail Information —

Thanks again for your reports and be on the lookout for hail in your neighborhood.