2012 Hurricane Season Outlook & Operating Tips For ARES®/SKYWARN® Volunteers

The following article was originally published in the ARRL e-newsletter and shared with participants on the July 8th Grayson County ARES® Training Net. It contains very useful information and links of interest to all ARES® and SKYWARN® volunteers, and is being posted here for the benefit of those who were unable to attend the net. A link to the original article is provided at the end of this posting for additional reference.

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Training Materials and Course Links Now Available

Updated training materials and links to online training courses have been added to the ARES®, RACES, and SKYWARN® Training pages (materials and links were already available for CoCoRaHS training). The purpose of these is to provide the volunteers in each service with a common starting point for beginning their training. They are NOT intended to provide all of the information needed for participation in these services; the intent is to establish a foundation of basic knowledge on which volunteers can build and develop their skills.

TECO asks that all volunteers study and become familiar with the posted training materials, and to participate in the online courses.

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Sparks, Crackles, and Other Random Thoughts – June 2012

Wow, what busy past few weeks! We had a few Storm situations, some made it to ARES activation and some didn’t, one even snuck up on us and the Weather Service.

I have to brag on you. Last weekend at HAMCOM, I had a chance to visit with several folks we normally don’t get to see often enough: some of the NWS staff and the HAM ops they use. Without fail when I shared where I was from they all had good things to say about you and our operations. That is a great complement to our team and the things you are doing. Keep up the good work!

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