Photos From SKYWARN® Recognition Day

Rick K5ECX, our county EC, traveled to Fort Worth today for SKYWARN® Recognition Day at the National Weather Service office. He hasn’t written up a review yet, but he did send in a few pictures to share with the rest of us who weren’t able to make it.

(Click on each photo to display a larger image)

A view of the ham radio station inside the National Weather Service office in Fort Worth.

A radio tower mounted on the roof of the National Weather Service office in Fort Worth.

The weather radar system located at the National Weather Service office in Fort Worth.

2013 SKYWARN® Spotter Training Schedule Published

The Fort Worth office of the National Weather Service (NWS) has published its 2013 schedule of SKYWARN® Spotter Training classes for the North Texas area. To view the schedule, please visit the NWS website using the following link: NWS Fort Worth Training Schedule. Unless otherwise noted, classes are offered free of charge and are open to the public with no registration required. TECO recommends all current and prospective SKYWARN® members attend one of these annual classes.

In Grayson County, one class will be offered:

Thursday, February 7th, 2013
7:00pm to 9:00pm
Grayson College Center for Workplace Learning, Denison

Note that this is the Basic training class only. For those wishing to continue their training an Advanced class will be offered at selected locations, with the closest to us being in Frisco and Fort Worth in January, and in Garland and Denton in February.

(updated 12/19 to add Frisco location for the advanced training class)

SKYWARN® Recognition Day November 30th

Hello to all our SKYWARN® fans. I just received the following information in an email from John Galvin N5TIM – our NTX ARES Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC) – regarding SKYWARN® Recognition Day. A portion is in the article below. Sounds like a good chance to fire up the rig and chat with some other interested folks. Hope you can find time to participate. Continue reading