ARES Net February 10th

We will be conducting our regular training net this Sunday evening on the 147.00 repeater.
Robert, KF5FLN will taking the helm as be net control for his first time.

While I have you here are a couple of items;

  • We lost an ARES email list. As you visit with others you mention ARES and current activities ask if your friends are getting these notifications. I fear we have lost contact with some folks, share this email address and lets get them back in the loop.
  • We had a great SKYWARN class last night; over 44 of you attended and it was good to see many that have been out of pocket for a while. Also, we had two folks test and we now have a new Tech and a new General class operator. If you see Barbra or Jack at a upcoming meeting please welcome them.
  • HSMM-Mesh, what an explosion! By rough count we have over a dozen hams working in this technology and close to that number of functioning mesh units, with more in the wings. In order to bring us together in technique, construction, interoperability and such we are planning a work night Feb 19th 6:30-8:30. Wade is working on a suitable location so be on the look out for more information on that.

This got pretty long, but your ARES group has a lot happening to provide emergency communications to our Cities and Grayson County as a whole. Its a pleasure to work with you.


Sky Warn Training this Thursday

Here it is fans, the chance to receive basic NWS training in SKYWARN operations. The time and location is this Thursday February 7th at Grayson College at 7:00 pm. We strongly encourage all ARES members to retake this training each year to refresh and update their capabilities in order to provide the best in ARES operations for the coming storm season.

There will also be a chance to upgrade your license with ARRL VE testing at 6 pm that evening.

We Look forward to seeing you there and learning more about SKYWARN


Amateur Radio Technician Licensing Class February 16th

The next Technician License class has been scheduled. The class will consist of two Saturday sessions. The first session, February 16th, will be held from 8:30 am until noon. The second (and final) session will be held on March 9th from 8:30 am until approximately 4:30 pm. The class will be held on the Grayson College main campus in Denison, in the CIS Building, room 109.

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