Recently your ARES AECs met and a great deal of planning was done for the next several weeks. We talked over operations procedures for SKYWARN and disaster situations, comparing and noting differences in the two. This resulted in our planning for upcoming nets and refinement of our face to face meetings. We have several operators working in the digital arena now, and we need to continue to practice with the operational aspects of ARES.
This week is Severe Weather Preparedness Week. Learn how to be a force of nature this week. Go to: @fema @usnoaagov. In pursuit of a Weather-Ready Nation, the goal of National Severe Weather Preparedness Week is to raise awareness about severe weather hazards and highlight effective preparedness actions.
Have you converted a router to work with HSMM-MESH, but don’t know what to do with it? Maybe you’re wanting to learn how? Or perhaps you want to test your equipment to make sure it’s working?
Are you planning to work with Winlink 2000 to send e-mails by radio? Or you think you’re online but not sure you’ve got things set up right?