What A Fall!

Aren’t we glad the sleet that fell wasn’t freezing rain? It fell and fell till we had about 4 inches out here in the sticks. Some of it is still hiding around in places. Our friends over in Lamar County might have been glad to have traded places. While we couldn’t get around without 4 wheel drive, at least we were still warm and snug with power and lights.

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Did you know September is National Preparedness Month?

Yes, I got this info right from the internet so it has to be right. Now cleanup that coffee we just made a mess with . NO Virginia not everything on the internet is true, however this is . So I thought we would take a few lines to help get yourself and those in your care, prepared for emergencies and disasters. Those of us involved in ARES know that emergencies can happen unexpectedly in our communities. We’ve seen on the news: tornado outbreaks, river floods and flash floods, historic earthquakes, bus rollovers, tsunamis, and even water main breaks and power outages in U.S. cities affecting millions of people for days at a time. Believe it or not Police, fire and rescue may not always be able to reach you quickly in an emergency or disaster. I think self care is the most important step you can take in helping your local responders is being able to take care of yourself and those in your care; the more people who are prepared, the quicker the community will recover The websites recommend to prepare and plan in the event you must go for three days without electricity, water service, access to a supermarket, or local services for several days. Here’s what they say.. Continue reading