Things Are Different Here

You may recall my last note or post was based on things I learned at Plano’s Ham-Com in June. I want to go back and review some information I found in a recent ARRL newsletter regarding SKYWARN and self-activation. Recall that our Section leadership asked us not to self-activate and I discussed why in my last note. Well, in late July up in New England there were tornadoes. I suspect that’s not a common occurrence in Massachusetts, and as I read the story the ARES group was noted as self-activating to follow the storm. Now this piqued my interest. Self-activation (a recent topic of our Section leadership) and Following the Storm. So, back to the Internet, my source and wellspring of all knowledgeContinue reading

So Why Would You?

The ARES Forum at Ham-Com had some good info in it. The room was full to the point it got hot from all of us in there. Or maybe the projector heated the room well, but I want to share a point made in our SEC’s presentation. He was sharing some goals for the coming year and this one struck me as odd till he explained it. Continue reading

Are You Social?

No, I’m not talking about manners at the dinner table. Let’s talk about social media. I am not, repeat not, any form of expert on these various forms of apps and programs out in the ether. You know, the ones that allow instant communication with text, pictures, even videos. I just don’t get that all my friends want to know I’m out for dinner at Pelican’s Landing eating the cooked beast and having a drink with my best friend. Just old school – noneya – we enjoy some privacy. Now I do enjoy an occasional post of my very cute and special grandkids. It’s rare that I check Facebook and even more rare to look at Twitter. But, I have noticed something you might want to think about. Continue reading