Sparks, Crackles, and Other Random Thoughts – January 2013

Out with the Old in with the New…Year, that is.

Wow, was that a whirlwind or what? No wall clouds, no dry slot, no building cumulus, just a quick burst and it’s gone. At least it seemed that way to me. We had a busy year in 2012 and the leadership team has already planned some of 2013. There are also the unplanned parts like SKYWARN nets and similar unplanned events.

So, what happened last year? Every month we send in a report to the Section listing various kinds of events and participation numbers. During the process of submitting one such report (it’s done via the NoTex section website) I found I could look around at what others were reporting. Several interesting numbers popped out at me. Almost every county in North Texas has an ARES group, but not all. Many have small groups of six to a dozen operators. Some have multiple groups due to metropolitan issues. However, when you look at Grayson County ARES, we stand out. We are among the largest groups with 80-plus members. And, we are very active. If I counted right, last year we had participated in, held, or led over 70 events. These ranged from public service such as the monthly Sherman Warning Siren tests to our bi-monthly training meetings, semi-monthly training nets, SKYWARN operations and activities with Section leaders, and educational opportunities with WinLink, HSMM-mesh, and so forth. As I reflect, we probably didn’t count all the Test sessions, County Emergency Planning meetings and such. We have a great number of ARES functions, several each month. We are also a “young” Ham group; in looking through the call signs about 38 or so members are “KF5’s”, indicating they were licensed in the past few years, and some 14 are from just this past year. There is a great training opportunity for new Hams. And, as I recall we are generally in this hobby to learn and experiment.

I said earlier the leadership team has planned out a good portion of 2013. The activities are on our website’s calendar. Look through them; we would love to know what you are interested in. We can add, change, and incorporate your ideas if you share. For you “older Hams” I could sure use some of you to help some of us learn. I could use some of you to help answer questions and Elmer some of the new folks.

We have great plans for 2013. There are several ideas out there that have not been fully developed. If you have one, work on it and let’s get it moving. Some involve new Hams, some involve equipment, resources, modes, and of course training. Let’s stay active this year, find a place to plug in and check in with ARES, enjoy our hobby and service to others thru Ham radio.

CUL & 73,
Rick K5ECX


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