Sparks, Crackles, and Other Random Thoughts – June 2012

Wow, what busy past few weeks! We had a few Storm situations, some made it to ARES activation and some didn’t, one even snuck up on us and the Weather Service.

I have to brag on you. Last weekend at HAMCOM, I had a chance to visit with several folks we normally don’t get to see often enough: some of the NWS staff and the HAM ops they use. Without fail when I shared where I was from they all had good things to say about you and our operations. That is a great complement to our team and the things you are doing. Keep up the good work!

In visiting with the ARRL Section manager and the NTX ARES coordinator, once again we were at the head of the class. Of the objectives and goals they shared for the next time period, we had already completed several. We have practiced repeater-to-repeater net changes; we have an EMCOMM plan documented; we have plans and agreements with local governments and agencies served; and we are involved in ICS 100 and 700 training, documenting the same and reporting to the County EM as requested. This helps secure grants and aid at the county level.

We also have some opportunities to improve and grow. There is a need at the Section level for a larger Rapid Response Team to allow the offer of mutual aid to the State and other areas of Texas and adjacent states. These persons would be of all Ham types, from the beginner to the seasoned operator/technician. There is need for more HF capability, especially in the middle bands – 15 to 40, phone, data, and CW. Some could be portable but many not so portable… it is HF, you know. There is great need for mentoring of new Hams who are eager yet unsure and confused by the radios and setting up a station or a mobile. Some of the old timers seem to shun these new ops, and sadly some never return. There is a need for technical expertise in a time of need, ops not wanting to be NCS, or field work and such but can be available to repair, reprogram, or just plain old fix stuff. Let me hear from you — if you want to serve your fellow man in a time of need and feel you fit into or even sorta fit into one of these “boxes” drop me an email –

We can – that’s what I hope for us after meeting with the ARRL staff – We Can!

Thanks for your interest in ARES, its associated activities and service to our community.

Rick Simmons K5ECX
Grayson County ARRL EC

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